Ayurveda Practitioners and Hospitals today require an Electronic Health Record (EHR) system that establish Ayurveda as leader in the alternative medicine field. You need a hospital management software for Ayurveda that comes with powerful features and provides seamless experience across three P's of healthcare - Patient,Process and Performance.
"AyurEHR is a Cloud-based hospital management software for Ayurveda. Digitize each patient's healthcare experience using Ayurveda Software that is specifically designed for Ayurveda Clinics and hospitals.
AyurEHR makes it easier for patient to engage with Ayurveda doctors, Panchakarma specialists,Therapists, Nurses, Billing, Pharmacy,Lab and Bhaishajya Kalpana departments, thereby strengthening patient loyalty and increase patient satisfaction.
With its integrated workflow based solutions in OP,IP and Day care, AyurEHR enables use of Ayurveda principles in context with patient's electronic health information such as Patient history, Ayurveda Examination, Diagnosis, Lab results, Panchakarma Therapies, Diet and Medicines.
Powerful and Integrated Features
With AyurEHR Integrated and powerful features, automate Ordering, Billing, and Fulfillment of clinical and non-clinical services in just a few clicks.
Clinical Documentation made Easy
AyurEHR Case Sheet is simple, intuitive and template driven, thus enabling you to spend more time with your patient and less on System.
Any Time, Any Where Access
AyurEHR's cloud-based solution helps you to access it from anywhere and at any time. You can also manage multiple locations of your clinic on the go.
- Patient Management
- Case Management
- Therapy Scheduling
- Inventory Management
- Billing Management
- IP Management

Patient Management
Welcome patients to your clinic or hospital by registering them using AyurEHR patient management software.
Schedule appointments and inform patients what is available and pick the best time for them. Send confirmations of appointments and reminders to reduce the number of no-shows.
Update the doctor's dashboard on patient arrival to decrease wait time before doctor consultation.Keep records of patient encounters so both doctors and patients can refer to previous conversations and appointments.

Case Management
AyurEHR Patient Case Management for Ayurveda, allows practitioners to record patient medical history, examinations including Dashvidha Pareeksha,Samprapti ghataka and Sarva Srotopareeksha.Once the Case Records are created, they are accessible on the Internet anytime anywhere.
Specially designed for Ayurvedic practitioners, application is very easy to use with clear visibility of different parts of the Case Record and ability to easily plan customised therapies of each patient.
Ayurvedic Hospitals can also create templates for both medicine prescriptions and therapies unique to their practice to make their work simpler.

Therapy Scheduling
Scheduling of Ayurvedic therapies is quite complex. A well organised Ayurvedic centre invests a lot of time and effort to ensure that their resources are optimally used. eRx's Ayurvedic Therapy Solution does exactly that.
The system provides very intuitive user interfaces to be used by your Panchakarma staff, and help them schedule therapy sessions for patients, while taking into account availability of therapists and rooms at the time they are needed by patients.
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Purchase and Inventory Management
Effectively managing inventory in an Ayurveda pharmacy, Bhaishajya Kalpanaa and Panchakarma departments can often be the difference between running an efficient operation and leaking money. If you don’t know what you have or where it is, you’re going to have a tough time selling it.
AyurEHR inventory management software can fix this by optimizing how much stock you have on hand and keeping you up-to-date on what you need to order so you don’t run out.
Being Integrated with Procurement management module, the software allows you to Indent, Purchase and manage inventory for all Pharmaceutical, Consumable and assets in the hospital or clinic.

Billing Management
AyurEHR makes invoicing and billing simpler by displaying all the orders and its items at one place. Bill your customers at an Individual item level, order level or at bill level - all from a single interface. It also allows the user to offer discounts, automatically calculate GST and generate receipts.

In-Patient and Discharge Management
AyurEHR In-patient module allows all relevant information about the patient such as ayurvedic examinations,diagnosis,Investigations,vitals, medication, therapy, yoga and diet to be viewed from a single interface of IP Ward visit.
Ward Management with visual depiction of bed status and easy navigation to the desired patient improves timely delivery of healthcare services.
Streamlined admission, OP to IP conversions, transfer, and discharge summary are some of the key features available in AyurEHR.